Archive for March, 2014


Schedule for Holy Week Services

            at the Monastery:

Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014

Michael Joncas: Eucharist at 9: a.m.


Eucharist:  7:30 a.m.


Holy Thursday,

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

6:30 p.m,

followed by Eucharistic Adoration. 

Good Friday,

Services at 3:30 p.m.

Holy Saturday,

Easter Vigil and Eucharist,

8:00 p.m.




Missioning for the Women of ACTS

 The Team: meeting at the Monastery for the mini retreat in preparation to serve their Sisters on the three day retreat at at Franciscan Retreats, Prior Lake, Minnesota.                        

099Two weeks following the retreat at Prior Lake the retreatents and the retreat team gathered in an atmosphere of songs, silent prayer and reflection, to commit themselves to particular services ministries at Assumption Parish in Richfield and 4 (4) 638x479