Archive for January, 2023

Friar Vincent is back for 2023

It is January and Friar Vincent Petersen is with us to bring us closer to our earthly home for 2023 and will accompany us through the unfolding beauty as the planet makes her revolution around the sun.

Here is the painter himself working on his next creation, bringing the wonder of our world into our minds and hearts through the painting of this very special Franciscan Friar.


Pope Francis the Teacher

Many of you, as you picked up your newspaper this morning, saw on the front page, Pope Francis in his teaching role, advocating for all people who identify as LGBTQ+.

The Star Tribune quoted the Associated Press:

Pope Francis criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality as “unjust,” saying God loves all his children just as they are and called on Catholic bishops…to welcome LGBTQ people into their churches.

“Being homosexual isn’t a crime,” Francis said.

… [The Pope] believes that the Catholic Church should…not discriminate.


As the bells rang out the new year, we moved toward Ordinary Time

January 10th we celebrated the baptism of the Lord in the Jordan River and the beginning of Ordinary Time. 

Green is the liturgical color of the season, a symbol of hope in the sprouting of seeds, and within our hearts the hope for a year of care for the earth and for one another.

Our friends from the cities provided the beautiful white poinsettia which is accompanying us into Ordinary Time.