Archive for May, 2018

Retreat at Assisi Heights

What a retreat for forward movement in this beautiful life at Assisi Heights!

Mike Blastic’s retreat presentations here at Assisi Heights.

One of the special gifts of our brother Mike is his great background in Franciscan/Clarian studies but perhaps even more is his living of the charism since he was a young man.  Mike was able to present during our retreat the beginning and early expression of the Friars and Poor Sisters’ Franciscan life like I have never heard before.  His three “C’ s” of our charism are: “Conversation, Contemplation and Compassion.”

Of course we know that Franciscan/Clarian life is Christocentric.How do the three C’s match up with the life of Jesus that we know through the Gospels?

  1. Conversation. Oh my Goodness! Jesus was and is the great communicator, the Word of God made flesh.  Think of the interactions of Jesus with individuals, teaching moments for them and for us; the parables and instructions to his followers and to the crowds in general, his generous teachings even in the midst of controversy.
  2. Jesus’ conversations seem to always end in Contemplation and communion in solitude with his Father, his be-ing time, often on a mountain. Shhh…
  3. The completion of the three C’s is Compassion. The miracle stories are about compassion, compassion for the other in front of him, the short man, the blind man, the woman caught in adultery, the hungry crowd, etc. Jesus can’t bear to see his Father’s children suffer.  The only one for whom he does not work a wonder is himself.

Mike’s retreat was good for all Christians and especially for those of us on the  Franciscan trek.

Folks from the Cities Visit

May 2, 2018

It was a red letter day at Assisi Heights on Friday when a caravan arrived to join us for Eucharist and Dinner. 

Some were from far away others from as near as the Cities.  All were heartily welcomed by us Clares  and the Franciscan Sisters here at the Heights.

Our dear friend Michael Joncas was with us as presider at Eucharist.  In the photo with Mike are some of our “regulars” from daily Eucharist in Bloomington who helped with the Chapel décor for Feasts and Seasons and all manner of good works around the Monastery.