Archive for February, 2023

February – Snowy Woodland

Bosque de Nieve means Snowy Woodland in Spanish.

Winter is a time of waiting: hoping all that is dormant beneath the snow will respond as the Earth makes its annual rotation around the Sun bringing forth the nutritious growth that will assure food security for all God’s people.



St. Josephine Bakhita

February is Black History Month, from February 1st to March 1st.

We have a hidden gem available to you on YouTube or your DVD player: Bakhita: From Slave to Saint. We were treated to this film here at Assisi Heights where it was streamed throughout the motherhouse.  Some of the Sisters told us later this was the second or third time they have seen this most beautiful woman and her inspiring story.


Refreshing our Poor Clare Constitutions

The Franciscan Friars are helping us rewrite The Gospel Way of St Clare, our Poor Clare Constitutions.  This is the document that helps us to interpret and live Poor Clare life. The spirit of this new document is to celebrate for our times the beautiful gift of Poor Clare life that is our vocation.

Some months ago, we had the pleasure of a visit from Sister Vickie Griner, osc (the sister with the dark brown sweater in the photo above.) Vickie is a beautiful and gifted Poor Clare Sister from the community in Cincinnati, Ohio.  She has been chosen to be our United States delegate working with other Poor Clares throughout the world who are coming together to craft this most welcome spiritual guide, our new Constitutions.

Sister Catherine was taking the picture.
