Archive for July, 2020


“God is a Circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”  William of Lille, 11th century

At the center of the Circle is fire, the ever burning fire,
Like the bush of Moses, that is never extinguished.

This is the fire that burns to enlighten the mind and warm the heart,
Enticing and drawing all into the orbit of God’s love.

This is “the Holy Spirit and fire” of which Jesus speaks,
Inviting us to “come here and wait with me, my hour has not yet come.”

And this is our hour, with fire at the center of our being.
This fire will burn within us until we return from where we came, from the Center of Love.

The scourge of the Coronavirus has brought us back to the hearth,  the fireplace of God’s love.

Stay at home, abide at the center,
let your heart rest in the heart of Jesus.
Never forget this moment in time, your time
when the whole planet came together on its knees.