Archive for December, 2022
The Christmas Chapel

During the later days of December, gifts were pouring in from various friends and family members of our Sisters. Among these gifts was a lovely globe depicting our planet. Also, Sister Jo received a pair of beautiful and unusual candles. The candles, the globe and our little creche came together and a story emerged. The planet is the home of the Holy Family. The candles are the angels connecting heaven and earth.
A time for great celebration.
Greetings for the great celebration of Christ’s birthday, a celebration which includes mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters throughout the world, all celebrating life, goodness, truth, and care for one another and our planet earth.

Shortly before Christmas
With Christmas on the horizon and the Christmas tree peeking over our heads, we celebrated the birthday of our Commissary, Sister Ramona Miller.

Sister Catherine provided one of her special Korean/Mexican meals.
A gift from our friend Doug Westendorp
Sow with a view
to righteousness,
Reap in accordance
with kindness;
Break up
your fallow ground,
For it is time
to seek the Lord
Until He comes to rain
righteousness on you.
Hosea 10:12

As Shadows Deepen
As shadows deepen and the old year comes to a close,
she hands off the promise of life to the new year
as we celebrate that our God is with us.

We’re with you Helen
Love is the pool you swim in.
Grace is the air you breathe.
Grace is the pool you swim in.
Love is the air you breathe.
djw (Doug Westendorp) 8/22

Father John presided at the mausoleum service, Sister Jo was one of the readers.
Helen’s Last Words
“Bless the Lord My Soul who leads me into life.”
This was our theme as we celebrated Sister Helen at Resurrection Cemetery with a service of memories and our loving farewell.
She was buried on December 7th, 2022, with her family, her Poor Clare Sisters and Sr. Helen’s many friends in attendance to accompany her into eternal life.

Hold Out Your Death
Precious in the eyes of the Lord
are the deaths of his saints
Hold out your hands
Your hands are full
Hold out your life
Your life is full
Life is a gift
Life is gift
Death is a gift
Death is a precious gift
Life is a gift
Life is a gift
Death is a precious gift
Hold out your hands
Your hands are full
Hold out your life
Your life is full
Hold out your death
It’s full
Hold out your death
djw (Doug Westendorp) 2022
Helen Weier Celebration of Life
Sister Helen prepared for us a beautiful eucharistic celebration.
She chose her favorite hymns, “Christ in me Arise,” and Psalm 34, “I will bless the Lord.”
Sister Helen selected a paragraph from a letter of St. Clare of Assisi to St. Agnes of Prague: “May you feel what friends feel in tasting the hidden sweetness that, from the beginning, God Himself has reserved for His lovers.”
Preparing the gifts we sang: “Transfigure us, O God.”
Her communion song was “How lovely is your dwelling place.”
And with Psalm 122: we left the Chapel singing “Let Us Go Rejoicing.”