Archive for February, 2015

Open House at St. Clare’s Monastery

DSCN1088 (300x225)Pope Francis invites Religious Sisters and Brothers during this year of consecrated life to a fresh way of being:

 “The Church must be attractive. Wake up the world!

Be witnesses of a different way of acting, of living!

It is possible to live differently in this world …

It is this witness I expect from you!” Pope Francis.

On Sunday, February 8, individuals and families came for our open house at the Monastery.         

Jackson and Alison Clare came to find out about our foundress, St. Clare of Assisi. 

The Alvarado family (Kevin, their oldest son, was taking the photo) wanted to see where their mom and dad come to Mass on Saturday mornings and to meetings of ACTS Women and Men during the week.  Judy Miller, the chef at Franciscan Retreats, brought sweet bread and bars for the visitors.

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