Archive for May, 2024

Pentecost on the 3rd floor at Assisi Heights

Its Pentecost and our chapel is on fire with red, the color of Love.

Tuesday last during Pentecost, there was a wild storm brewing around Assisi Heights on the hill.  The electricity was out and the water was coming down with such force, it was impossible to see outside the windows.  All was dark and wet.  Inside our Centering Prayer venue, two of our wonderful Centering Prayer teachers were with us having braved the storm.  They were the only outsiders that came that night.  But we were not lacking in those ready to join us in prayer as the Franciscan Sisters were sponsoring a retreat here at the mother house. Many women Cojourners who were retreating with the Sisters joined us for Centering Prayer that special night.

For those of you who are not familiar with Centering Prayer, Father Thomas Keating is one of the beloved teachers of Centering Prayer. He has returned to God and his many books and writings remain to inspire many of us.