Archive for December, 2024
Centering Prayer
Here are Eric and Brigitte, who spent a few days with us last week. Eric was like a son to our Sister Lucie, who joined our Community from Quebec. During their visit, Eric and Brigitte prayed with us and paid their respects at Lucie’s grave in the cemetery, where she is buried alongside our Poor Clare sisters from Bloomington who have died.
This wonderful couple has now become part of our extended Poor Clare family. Eric recently earned his Doctorate from a University in Quebec, and together, he and Brigitte lead pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
This is the beautiful place where we share our time of Centering Prayer every Tuesday evening from 6-7 pm.
The room is decked out now for the Christmas season.
Wishing a blessed and beautiful season to all of you.
2024 Advent Chapel
Here is our advent chapel.
And our advent wreath.
The First Advent Candle: Hope
The Second Advent Candle: Peace
The Third Advent Candle: Joy
The Fourth Advent Candle: Love
Hope invites her friend Peace to dance with Joy in Love for
the mutual goodness and blessing of our planetary home.
Christmas Greeting 2024
Dear Family and Friends,
Just as the river flows so does God’s peace flow through you and me. No ripples or rocks, just overflowing peace in these “interesting times”. May the star of Bethlehem that points to the word Love point us to Peace.
Your Poor Clare Sisters