Archive for August, 2013

ACTS Sisters with Friar Charlie McCarthy

About ACTS:

We first learned about “Acts” from Franciscan padre, Charlie McCarthy, pastor of Assumption Parish near our monastery.  The parish has so many programs and groups meeting at their Church that we were asked to host the “Acts” here in our large hospitality area.  What a blessing!  Each Tuesday from 7 – 9 PM about 20 women meet here and from here Skype their counterpart group in El Paso, Texas, praying, learning and preparing a retreat for other women from Assumption parish who will make the ACTS retreat at PriorLake the end of July.

The name of the group, “Acts is inspired by the Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47.”

The acronym stands for: Adoration, a life centered in Christ; Community, in and with the people of God; Theology, exploring the religious dimension of human experience; and Service, to serve one another in Christ through love, caring and compassion.Ladies of Acts

Some of our beautiful Acts women: L to R, Magali, Sr. Noreen, Marielise, Anna Marie, Nancy

Women of the ACTS movement met here in the our hospitality area for 13 consecutive Tuesday evenings preparing a most amazing three day experience for their Catholic sisters in Christian sacramental living with profound love and personal sharing.


These next six Tuesdays ACTS Sisters will continue to meet at the monastery to process all that happened in this long weekend of grace.

Feast of St. Clare

Welcome all Franciscans to the Monastery of St. Clare for the Feast.  

The Transitus is at 7:00 PM August 10.

The Eucharist is at 10:00 AM August 11.



For Saint Clare


Light is your legacy, Clare,

the light that falls across the day,

new each morning with a constancy

that hints at you.


I see you in the early light

spreading the glow of the high place

from which it came,

pristine on stone and icon,

subtle on wooden floor.


From a fountain beyond time

light streams toward me

down long hallways,

sometimes rosy when the sumac

dyes it on its way.

This is the light that searches every deed for love.


I think of you especially at sunset,

when a golden western light

burns through the quiet trees

and strikes the gleam of life in all the leaves,


making the air between them radiant as fire,

mellow evening fire for this hearth,

this place of peace that blesses night

and welcomes dawn

secure, held in your enduring light

San Giorgio CLARE