Friar Vince – October

October 4th, its the feast of St Francis, richly important for Franciscans of all ilk over the whole planet.  There are 3rd order Franciscans including women, men, and young people called Franciscan Tertiaries.  There are 3rd order regular sisters and brothers who carry on missionary activities and service to the poor including working in hospitals, schools and serving parishes.

2nd order are the Franciscan Poor Clares, or the Sisters of St Clare who live the Franciscan and Clare charism in community in their monasteries. 

The 1st order are the Friar’s minor, the little brothers.  And there are many versions.  In the United States, the Friars minor have just consolidated 6 of their provinces into one in order to served the people in a more effective manner.

St. Francis has inspired all of these people to offer their lives in service in many ways.  Born in Assisi (Italy) in 1181 or 1182; died nearby on 3 October 1226. The carefree son of a wealthy merchant who gave up his inheritance to embrace utter poverty. Under a simple gospel rule, he and his Friars Minor were authorized to be mendicant preachers. His “Canticle of the Sun” captures his lyrical spirit and sense of oneness with all creatures. An outstanding example of the beatitude “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” At the end of his life he bore in his flesh the marks of Christ’s suffering. 

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